What is Ultrasound?

It does not matter if it is your 1st child or 4th child; you will encounter several anxious movements. It can be especially seen during the first few weeks when the fetus develops. Therefore, ultrasound technology is crucial to parents and doctors. Monitoring the fetus regularly in real time can reveal the existing abnormalities or alleviate concerns.

Ultrasound technology makes use of sound images to produce images. It possesses some vital advantages over any other imaging strategy. They are as follows:

  1. It provides real-time images of organs and fetuses.
  2. It does not make use of ionizing radiation that relates to the toxic effects on the embryo.
  3. It allows the technician to capture multiple viewing angles.

Types of Ultrasound:

A 2D ultrasound of a fetus will generate a normal black-and-white image. But the 2D ultrasound will show the function of the internal organs of the baby, which is very much vital for monitoring the baby’s health.
With 4D and 3D ultrasound scans, the body can be seen in 3D images. They reveal more external and internal detail from multiple angles like the heart valves, wall, or blood flow in different vessels, the shape of the mouth, or the skin. A lot of parents find it exciting to see their baby in such detail.
The detail and depth of 4D and 3D ultrasound imagery are extremely effective in identifying issues like heart defects, cleft lip, neural abnormalities, or skeletal problems. 4D Ultrasound allows the doctors to live stream video of the images of the body.